The Entrepreneur Test

Do you have an image of the typical entrepreneur type? The Krannert Graduate School of Management at Purdue University did research on what they say is the largest and most varied sample of entrepreneurs studied to date. The same questions were then posed to the general public to measure responses of actual business owners versus public opinion. Whether you think you fit the typical profile of a business owner, or defy the stereotypes, take the true-false test below to see how your perceptions match the finding of the research.

1. Business owners are likely to spring from families of business owners.

2. Business owners are likely to be foreign born.

3. Before owning his or her own firm, the typical business owner worked for a large corporation (one with over 1000 employees).

4. A business owner is likely to start the same kind of business as the one where he’d been employed before he struck out on his own.

5. The business owner was probably unhappy as an employee.

6. The typical business owner was a job-hopper before settling down to his/her own business.

7. Most business owners have a high school education or more.

8. The typical business owner had supervisory experience before starting their own business.

9. Business owners start their own firms because they want to do their own thing.

10. Starting new businesses depend heavily for financing on outside loans.

2 + 5 =

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